CUPE 389

School District #44 Members – Invitation for Education Assistants to Participate in a Research Project

Research Project –  The Impact of Covid-19 on British Columbia’s Education Assistants’ Burnout Rates

Letter from May Raymond – Master student at Nipissing University

Dear Participants,

My name is May Raymond, and I am a Master student at Nipissing University. I am reaching out in hopes to find recruitment for research I am conducting titled The Impact of Covid-19 on British Columbia’s Education Assistants’ Burnout Rates. The study will be conducted as a part of the requirements for my Master’s thesis in Education, which is examining the roles and burnout rates of Education Assistants (EAs) in British Columbia (BC) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since some EAs in BC are a part of the CUPE K-12, I am requesting that the participation information letter attached to this email be sent out to your EA members to see if they would be willing to take part in a one-on-one interview to answer questions about their work experience. Participation in the study is voluntary and consent can be withdrawn at any time.

If an EA member is interested in participating in this study, they can email their signed consent form at .ca. Upon receiving their signed consent, I will send them a follow-up email with demographic questions, 16 interview questions and a Google poll to select a date and time for a scheduled interview over Google Meets. A follow-up email confirming your interview date and time will be sent to you as well.

This research has been approved by the Nipissing University Research Ethics Board (NUREB, file number: 103192). Should you have any questions or require further information regarding the study, please feel free to contact me at 778-991-5941 or via email at .ca or you may contact my thesis supervisor Dr. Julie K. Corkett at 705-474-3450 x 4144 or via email at .

Thank you very much for your interest and possible participation in this study; your time is very much appreciated.


May Raymond

Participation Information Letter- MR
