CUPE 389 – Member Update, District of North Vancouver members

CUPE 389 – Member Update, District of North Vancouver members

November 21, 2023


Inflationary support payment update

Since our last message we were able to get in touch with the mediator we worked with to negotiate our new collective agreement. The mediator has confirmed that he agrees with the union’s interpretation about how the inflationary support payment is to be administered. Our position is the inflationary support payment applies to any active employee (at date of ratification) who worked in 2022. The 3.5% and 1% lump sums are to be calculated on the hours worked by those employees in 2022.


However, even though the mediator has confirmed he agrees with our interpretation, the employer continues to refuse to change their position on this issue. In our opinion the employer has reneged on the negotiated terms of the collective agreement and we find this extremely disappointing.


What happens now?

We know that many of our members who are owed the inflationary support payment did not receive it when it was paid last week.


We have filed a group grievance on behalf of all members who did not receive the payment but should have. Our goal with the grievance is to make sure that everyone who should have received the inflationary support payment, receives that payment.


If I didn’t receive the payment and believe I should have, do I need to do anything?

The grievance does not require any action on your part, and we will make every effort to push for an expedient and successful outcome to the grievance; one that results in the full inflationary support payment to all employees as of the date of ratification.


When will we know the outcome of the grievance?

The grievance procedure is laid out in the collective agreement and requires the employer to meet with us within 5 working days of the date of the grievance, then the grievance is referred to arbitration if not resolved within an additional 10 working days. Given this timeline, we anticipate having an additional update for you in 3-4 weeks.


We will keep you in the loop.

We remain confident that the inflationary support payment applies as we have stated, and should this dispute require arbitration we believe we have the facts on our side for an arbitrator to rule in our favour. Thank you for the patience and the support you continue to show for your bargaining committee and your union while we work through this issue.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

NVTA Climate Justice Workshop

The NVTA Social Justice Committee is inviting you to join us for the following workshop:

Climate Justice 101
Date: Monday, November 6, 2023
When: 3:45pm – 5:15pm
Where: Sutherland Secondary Library
To register: go to Booking Central, look under “NVTA Climate Justice Workshop” Session Code E501S1L1

(This workshop is only for School District CUPE Staff)

Workshop description: This workshop provides an introduction to the science and politics of climate change, and then explores how we can be agents for change within the education system. The first section of the workshop explores the reality of our changing climate, including modelling for future warming and extreme weather events. Actual impacts on BC teachers are foregrounded, as well as the inequitable distribution of impacts worldwide. This includes how climate disproportionately impacts Indigenous peoples, racialized folks, women and the global south. In the second half of the workshop, teachers examine how school districts have or haven’t addressed carbon emissions and planning for a carbon zero world, and then how teachers and students can advocate to influence this work.

Facilitator: Tara Ehrcke is an educator, teaching secondary math in the Lekwungen speaking territories (Greater Victoria) and facilitating union workshops across the province to colleagues in the BC Teachers’ Federation. Tara is currently a member of the BCTF Committee for Action on Social Justice, as well as the BC Federation of Labour Climate Justice & Jobs Committee. A lifelong trade union activist, Tara is excited to work with others to strengthen relationships between labour and the community so that we can collectively build the power to change the world.

Please know that we are grateful whenever CUPE colleagues are able to join us, and you are always invited to the workshops that the NVTA Social Justice committee books!

Light snacks will be provided.

CUPE 389 – Member Update, District of North Vancouver members

CUPE 389 – Member Update, District of North Vancouver members

October 31, 2023


Inflationary support payment update

Our new contract includes an inflationary support payment that applies to any active employee (at date of ratification) who worked in 2022. The 3.5% and 1% lump sums are to be calculated on the hours worked by those employees in 2022.


During our bargaining session with the mediator, the union and the employer agreed on how these payments would be applied.


Unfortunately, the employer now disagrees with this interpretation. We’re extremely disappointed that the employer is taking a different position than was previously agreed to, on this important payment intended to help ease the high cost of living and working in this region.


What does this mean for me?

The employer has told us that they believe the inflationary support payment should only be paid to members employed as of January 1, 2022, and active at the time of ratification. The employer has communicated the following to the union:


As the language states that District employees who were employed as of January 1, 2022, and active at the time of ratification, we will not be applying the payment to anyone who was hired after January 2022.


In reply, we have identified this interpretation as incorrect and inconsistent with what the parties discussed and agreed to at the bargaining table. We’ve expressed our disappointment with the employer now attempting to back away from what was collectively bargained and what has been correctly applied by every other employer who has negotiated a similar clause.


We have contacted the mediator that helped us negotiate our new contract and hope they will be able to help us resolve this issue in a timely manner.


However, in the meantime, if you receive the payment, it may or may not be the full amount.


We are committed to ensuring the inflationary support payment is paid out the way both parties agreed it would be during our negotiations. We will continue to keep you updated on where things are with this. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

TSSU STRIKE UPDATE: Tentative Agreement Reached

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Please read an important update from the CUPE BC Regional Office below:

We are pleased to announce that the TSSU and SFU reached a tentative agreement early this morning, and the picket lines are coming down.  Friday’s events will be cancelled.  Thank you all for your support.  For those Reps who reached out directly to your Locals to ask that they attend the picket lines on Friday, can you please reach out again to let them know that the picket lines have come down.