CUPE 389

Presidents Council endorses Provincial Framework Agreement

The K-12 Presidents are endorsing the new Provincial Framework Agreement reached last week. The British Columbia Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) also endorses the agreement. Both recommend the agreement be part of local collective agreements.

The Provincial Framework Agreement (PFA) has a 3-year term in effect from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025. It includes general wage increases in each year.

  • July 1, 2022: $0.25 per hour wage increaseplus an additional 3.24%
  • July 1, 2023: 5.5% increase, and up to 1.25%cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). For clarity,the general wage increase will be atminimum 5.5%, to a maximum of 6.75%
  • July 1, 2024: 2% increase, and up to a 1%COLA. For clarity, the general wage increasewill be at minimum 2%, to a maximum of 3%
    COLA is according to the BC consumer price index annual average.

The PFA also includes provincial government funding for local bargaining to address local issues. It’s based on full-time enrolled students in districts, with a minimum amount.

  • 2022/2023: $11.5 million allocated to schooldistricts, with a $40,000 minimum
  • 2023/2024: $13.8 million allocated, with a$50,000 minimum
  • 2024/2025: $17.8 million allocated, with a$60,000 minimum

In local bargaining, K-12 locals and school districts will negotiate how to use these funds. The only thing they can’t go towards are general wage increase.

Other highlights of the framework agreement include:


$50,000 per year in 2022 and 2023 for support staff education, with an another $1 million per year beginning in 2024. The joint Support Staff Education Committee (SSEC) will decide on allocating this money.

Workplace violence prevention

A new Provincial Joint Health and Safety Taskforce. Its mandate includes supporting measures to address workplace violence prevention.


$3 million in annual funding for potential benefit enhancements. Also, $1 million in one-time funding for addictions treatment support programs.


In addition to the PFA, the Ministry of Education will be increasing the Learning Improvement Fund to $25 million for the 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 school years. This will allow for more Education Assistant hours across the province.

The K-12 Presidents Council recommends the framework agreement for local bargaining proposals. PFA provisions come into effect when part of a ratified local collective agreement, with general wage increases retroactive to July 1, 2022. It is local collective agreements that members of K-12 locals approve and ratify. Local bargaining needs to completed and ratified byJanuary 25, 2023. The complete Provincial Framework Agreement is available on at Please direct questions on the PFA and local bargaining to your local executive.
