CUPE 389

CUPE 389 – District of North Vancouver Bargaining Update July 4, 2023

Your bargaining committee is disappointed to report that we have not made any progress towards a new collective agreement.

The District has shown little interest in having meaningful discussions about your bargaining priorities. They ended our June 23 meeting early and cancelled our June 30 meeting at the last minute at 5:22 pm the night before.

This is a clear indication that the employer is unwilling to make this round of negotiations a priority. Instead of negotiating and working to make improvements to the workplace, the District continues to say no to even the most mutually beneficial and zero cost proposals.

Currently, we have no additional bargaining dates scheduled with the District.

Your bargaining committee has repeatedly requested dates over the summer but the employer has stated their committee is unavailable. Negotiations are not scheduled to resume until the fall.

We remain committed to negotiating a collective agreement that addresses your key priorities and is in line with other settlements in our region. You and your co-workers deserve a collective agreement that recognizes and respects your contributions as dedicated employees.

Without real progress, we must start exploring options to get movement from the Employer on our priorities.

To keep updated on this round of negotiations please make sure CUPE Local 389 has your personal email. Please visit our website here to update your contact info if needed.

If you have any questions, please ensure you attend our membership meetings. We hold them on Zoom for easy access and you can find all the dates on our website.
